Yotta Desarrollos is a young company, created with the aim of providing quality products and tools, and at the same time offering management and advisory services to all types of companies and entities.

Fruto de nuestra experiencia hemos desarrollado la plataforma Lokinn.com, la cual surge con una idea clara, dar a conocer las áreas empresariales, ayudando además a las empresas que en ellas se ubican a aumentar su actividad empresarial y visibilidad en el mercado actual.

Our main objective is to continue offering the latest in technology, for which we continuously carry out research and development tasks, working daily to incorporate and offer our clients technological tools and functionalities adapted to their needs, achieving their satisfaction with the use of them.

Some of our clients are:

Our Services


We provide support services for companies and freelancers. We carry out support work in all phases, from the search for financial support and subsidies to technological advice.

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Custom Tools

We develop intuitive tools, which are easy to use and understand by any employee, adapted to the needs of our clients and thus achieving greater comfort in their use

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GIS and Remote-Sensing

Yotta Desarrollos has extensive experience in developing GIS-based applications. Proof of this is the development of the Lokinn.com platform, in which this technology has been used for most of the tools it offers.

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En YOTTA Desarrollos, entendemos la importancia de la información precisa y la seguridad robusta para el éxito de tu negocio. Confía en nosotros para proporcionarte las herramientas y el conocimiento necesarios para proteger y optimizar tus operaciones empresariales.

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Otros Servicios

Para ello contamos con información actualizada de convocatorias públicas para: subvencionar o financiar los desarrollos, ayudamos a la redacción de dichas propuestas, asesoramos en la protección legal de los productos de los clientes, y realizamos su mantenimiento.

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